Does Eating Fat Make Us Fat?

Where are my fat lovers out there? I am sure I can find one of y’all out there to share the love for fat with me. I am not trying to be funny here, fat is such as big part of our diet (it’s one of the three main macronutrients, right beside protein and carbohydrates)…

The Confusion Between Almond Milk and Dairy Milk

Dairy milk used to be raised on a royal pedestal, encouraging Americans to drink three glasses of low fat or skim milk everyday. You would see the ads with athletes and other famous people, sporting their milk mustaches and looking independent, invincible and unshakably strong. Dairy milk, the leading provider of protein, calcium, vitamin D,…

Nutrition Labels Defined

How many of us look at the nutrition label before we buy a food product in the grocery store?   If you answered YES to that question, sadly you’re in the minority How about when you look around the grocery store, do you see others looking at the ingredient list or nutrition facts on the…