Fall Seasonal Produce Guide

  The weather has officially cooled down (slightly) here in Texas and I’ve already made a few of our fall favorite recipes to fill the kitchen and our bellies. Fall is here and for most of us that means the fall cooking and baking has already commenced. From pumpkin bread, to squash soups, to sweet…

What’s The Hype About Probiotics?

Probiotics—a recent topic of interest among many people today. It seems to be another health buzz word around campus—taking probiotics via supplementation and food items. But what’s the hype about probiotics, and why are they just now coming into focus? They have been around for centuries, all throughout different cultures, in and around different parts…

Nutrition For Brain Health

This post has been a long time coming, especially since our family has been affected by brain tumors and brain surgery quite recently. I had quite a few people reach out to me wanting to know how to help and or what they could do to protect against this for their family. Unfortunately, brain tumors…

Health Begins in Your Gut

The ‘Gut’ or the ‘Gastrointestinal Tract’ or ‘GI Tract’ involves the entire length of the body starting from the point at which we consume food to the point at which we expel our food waste. Furthermore, this includes major body organs such as the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, which houses over 1,000 species…

6 Warming Spices You Should Be Using

The specific category of spices referred to as “The Warming Spices” have been around for ages. They have been used for multiple different reasons, from cooking and baking to medicine and herbal remedies. The reason they are called ‘the warming spices’ is exactly why you would think. They have the capability to increase your internal…

Does Eating Fat Make Us Fat?

Where are my fat lovers out there? I am sure I can find one of y’all out there to share the love for fat with me. I am not trying to be funny here, fat is such as big part of our diet (it’s one of the three main macronutrients, right beside protein and carbohydrates)…

Sustainable Living With Plant Proteins

  Within the last five to ten years, plant proteins have gained an escalating interest with consumers. It’s been considered to be one of the hottest and newest trends on the market, allowing plant-based vegetarians, vegans, and others alike an easy way to receive more protein in their diets. Some studies have shown the benefits…

10 Snacks Under 100 Calories

10 snacks under 100 calories You hear it, you feel it, your stomach is growling relentlessly. We have all experienced it at some point throughout the day. Whether it’s in the mid-morning, late afternoon, or anytime in between- our minds are conditioned to reach for something to sooth our hunger pains and keep the beast…

The Confusion Between Almond Milk and Dairy Milk

Dairy milk used to be raised on a royal pedestal, encouraging Americans to drink three glasses of low fat or skim milk everyday. You would see the ads with athletes and other famous people, sporting their milk mustaches and looking independent, invincible and unshakably strong. Dairy milk, the leading provider of protein, calcium, vitamin D,…

Why You Shouldn’t Be Drinking Juice

You won’t find ME drinking juice. You might catch me drinking a ginger/green smoothie, cold pressed almond milk, fresh kombucha, green tea with apple cider vinegar, or black coffee, but never juice. When I found out the ice cold truth about juices, I decided to let her go for good. As a (soon-to-be) Dietitian, I wanted to let…